Characteristics of selected product design theories and their use in textile product innovation
Product Design Theories, Product Design & Development, Textile Product Design, Textile Product Innovation, Creativity; InnovationAbstract
A desk review investigated the role of product design and development theories in textile product innovation. The study specifically assessed the literature on Product Design & Development (PDD), Textile Product Design (TPD), Textile Product Innovation (TPI), and Micro and Small Enterprise (MSE) design practice. The study was guided by product design and product development theories that included: The Componential Theory of Creativity (CToC), Concept-Knowledge Theory, The design square model of the C-K theory, The Investment Theory of Creativity (ITC), Self-Determination Theory (SDT), and Theory of Creative Destruction (ToCD),. The research assumption was that the success of a new product development (NPD) process strongly depends on the deep understanding of market needs. The two lead research questions were: Do the product design theories lay emphasis on the market factor? What common factors are found among the theories? This study will be vital to make policy recommendations for local textile manufacturers' assistance on product design, diversification, and value addition for their products to compete competitively with products from other countries.