Dyslipidemia in blood pressure control among adult hypertensive patients in Kiambu County Hospital Kenya


  • Monica. N. Nderitu Kenyatta University
  • Jonathan Wala Kenyatta University
  • Otieno O. Otieno Kenyatta University


Hypertension, cardiovascular, blood pressure, diastolic, systolic, non-communicable disease


Introduction: Hypertension is one of the most common non-communicable diseases with about 40% global prevalence in adults and 46% in Africa. Dyslipidemia, among other factors may lead to poor blood pressure control in hypertensive patients. Dyslipidemia occurs when someone has abnormal levels of lipids in their blood However, the role of dyslipidemia in predicting hypertension has not received adequate attention.

Objectives: This study aims to determine the relationship between dyslipidemia and blood pressure control among hypertensive patients in Kiambu County Hospital Kenya.

Methods: This was a cross-sectional analytical study assessing independent association between blood pressure control and dyslipidemia in a cohort of 251 hypertensive patients in a hospital set up. Multiple logistic regression model was applied to determine factors associated with poor blood pressure control.

Results: In total, 251 hypertensive patients, mean age 55.7 years, females-majority (80.9%) were considered in the study. The mean systolic blood pressure was 145.1±22.4mmHg and 87.4±13.0mmHg for diastolic blood pressure. Blood pressure was poorly controlled in 56.6% of the patients. High LDL levels was diagnosed in 82.1% of the patients, 23.1% low HDL levels, 31.9% high triglycerides and 59.8% high total cholesterol levels. Patients with poorly controlled hypertension (68.7%) recorded significantly higher mean total cholesterol (221.4 mg/dl) compared to193.4 mg/dl in the wellcontrolled group (mean 193.4 mg/dl), p0.05).

Conclusion: Dyslipidemia was recorded in 68% of adult hypertensive patients and was significantly associated with development of of inadequate blood pressure control. Low density lipids ( LDL) was significantly higher in the poorly controlled group where 68.7% of the patients with high level of total cholesterol had poorly controlled blood pressure. Lifestyle modification, routine lipid profile testing among hypertensive patients, early treatment on high lipid level patients, change of lifestyle and use of statin were recommended for dyslipidemia treatment. Keyword: Hypertension, cardiovascular, blood pressure, diastolic, systolic,non-communicable,disease

Author Biographies

Monica. N. Nderitu, Kenyatta University


Jonathan Wala, Kenyatta University

Department of Internal Medicine

Otieno O. Otieno, Kenyatta University

Department of Health Management and Informatics




How to Cite

Nderitu, Monica. N., et al. “Dyslipidemia in Blood Pressure Control Among Adult Hypertensive Patients in Kiambu County Hospital Kenya”. The East and Central Africa Medical Journal , vol. 4, no. 1, Nov. 2020, pp. 11-17, https://journal.ku.ac.ke/index.php/ecamj/article/view/175.

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