Influence of Principals’ Provision of Welfare Services on Tutors’ Job Commitment in Primary Teachers Training Colleges in Eastern Region Kenya
welfare services, tutors’ job commitmentAbstract
The purpose of the study was to investigate the influence of principals’ provision of welfare services on tutors’ job commitment in primary teachers training colleges in Eastern Region Kenya. The study was guided by the following objective: To determine the influence of principals’ provision of welfare services on tutors’ levels of job commitment in Primary Teachers Training Colleges in Eastern Region, Kenya. The Existence Relatedness and Growth Theory of Motivation guided the study. Descriptive survey design was used. For this study, the target population entailed five (5) Teacher Training College principals, 260 tutors and 1860 second year students of the five (5) public teachers training colleges in Eastern Region, Kenya. To sample the respondents, the researcher used census method to sample the 5 college principals, and used 50% to sample the tutors and 10% for second year students giving a sample size of 130 and 186 respectively. Simple random sampling was therefore used to select the tutors and students using replacement method. The instruments used were questionnaires for tutors and teacher trainees and interview guides for principals. Data was analyzed using descriptive (frequencies, means and standard deviations) and inferential statistics (p-values from ordinal logistic regression and independent sample t-test). The results were graphically visualized through frequency distribution tables, bar graphs and tables. Regression results showed that increasing provision of welfare services by principals by 1% would promote job commitment levels of tutors by approximately 122%. The study also revealed a positive and significant relationship between provision of welfare services (medical facilities, welfare group, free meals and housing facilities) by principals and the job commitment levels among tutors (r=0.3518436, p=4.336e-05), The results implying that provision of welfare services by the principals, increased the tutors’ level of both affective,continuance and normative job commitment. Based on the findings, the study recommended that through ministry of education, to have well placed sound policy to promote principals’ training on importance of provision of welfare services in order to enhance academic performance in Primary Teachers Education Examination as a result of tutors’ job commitment