Teaching of English Language Expressive Skills and Communicative Competence. A comparative Study of Secondary Schools in Nairobi City County, Kenya.
Communicate, language, Communication competence, Teaching, Integrated approach, Integration, PolicyAbstract
Language is important for communication to take place. In order for different countries in the world to communicate, there is a need for a common language. One of the internationally accepted languages of communication is English. Thus, the government of Kenya has come up with policies that ensure that at the end of secondary school, students are able to communicate competitively using the English language. However, there has been a worrying concern from both employers and educationists that the employees and graduates, respectively, have poor English language skills. The aim of this study was to establish the existing gaps between stated government policies on the teaching of English in secondary schools in Kenya on one hand and on the other the actual school practices during the implementation of these policies. This study was based on structural functionalism theory by Durkheim. It adopted
descriptive research design which was carried out in public secondary schools in Nairobi County. The study had a target population of 480 from 60 Schools which included: the heads of English department and teachers of English. The study employed purposive sampling where the schools’ Heads of English Department (HODs) and teachers of English were purposively sampled into 62 respondents composed of 8 HODs and 56 teachers. Questionnaires and observation checklists were used to collect data. To assess the validity of instruments, the results of the pilot study conducted were analyzed and used to modify and remove ambiguous items on the instruments used in the study. Its reliability was established using the test-retest method. Data was analyzed both qualitatively and quantitatively. The qualitative data was grouped into different categories depending on the responses given by the respondents. Those categories helped in establishing themes. Through the use of the statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) program, quantitative data was analyzed using descriptive statistics percentages, frequencies, and tables where appropriate. The Key finding in this study was that all the government policies on teaching of English were not being fully implemented as required. The study recommended: that teachers of English access regular professional development programs to enhance their teaching and acquire skills to enable them overcome some of the challenges they were facing during teaching; The Kenya National Examination council (KNEC) to come up with an oral exam and a listening exam to help students achieve communication competence in English.